magic - Setting
The resolution comes in 7 steps. And too lazy to read as
Step 1: background and context in one's own level.
Step 2: Lasso tool (L)
Step 3: Within the frame contour select roughly
so shall it end up looking:
Step 4: New Adjustment Layer 'Hue / Saturation'
Possibly. and rename completely OK
saturation Turn down
Score: Selection is desaturated
Step 5: Invert (Ctrl + I)
Result: Everything is desaturated to the frame inside
Step 6: Framework level and link together Einstellunsebene
Step 7: Move all it's worth (V)
No matter what position!
Or Transform (Ctrl + T)
Bigger? Smaller? Smaller? Wide?
The frame and the selection in the context are always colored. Everything around it is black and white.
is finished the spell - Setting!
image: do
AzulCielo, Photocase
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